Beethoven in Nature

Music Activities for Children

Composer Paul Griffiths has put together a series of musical activities for you to get involved with, using the composer Ludwig van Beethoven and his love of nature as inspiration.

In the videos, you will:

Find out more about Beethoven

♫ Learn some songs with Paul

♫ Make your own music inspired by nature

How to watch
We suggest watching the videos in the order they appear on this page, and you can rewatch them as many times as you want.

What you need
If you have an instrument at home go and get it. Or you can use an object in the house that makes an interesting sound – like a jar of coins.

Video 1: Hello Song

Video 2: Beethoven and Nature

Find out more about the composer Beethoven and his love of nature, and learn a song with Paul to the tune of Beethoven’s 'Pastoral Symphony'.

Video 3: Make Your Own Musical Thunderstorm
In this video, Paul will guide you through making your own music using instruments found in the classroom or at home. You’ll just need to find something that makes an interesting sound!

Video 4: Goodbye Song
In the final video, Paul sings a goodbye song – feel free to join in!

About Barbican Guildhall Creative Learning

Barbican Guildhall Creative Learning is a creative alliance pioneering new models for cultural learning across the art forms. Our mission is Creative Skills for Life and every year we deliver more than 40 programmes and events alongside 150 partners to over 29,000 participants.